My fav Cyril stage magic Act
Ever since I saw his magic hamburger trick on youtube years ago, I have been a great Cyril fan. I love the fact that he is so cool on stage too. I can only dream of being 1% as cool :-( I thought I'd look up his stage act on youtube as I really loved the way he choreographed his act to his selected music. Sadly the original music has been removed due to some possible copyright concerns and another piece of something else dubbed in. Glad I downloaded the video with the original long ago. Anyway I am sure you will still enjoy his act even without the extra beauty of the nuances of his moves to the original music. I searched a little more to see if there might be another video of his award winning stage act with the original music and found this video entitled "Cyril vs. SG Cyril". It has Cyril's act with the orginal music but placed side by side with a copy cat act by a "Cyril wannabe" from Singapore. Nice for a change that the butt of the jokes is not that ...