"Backsliders" have a "network"? "What?!"

I don't know how to respond to this news article I just got. It's not April 1st is it? It's an actual book on sale at Amazon.com. ... Is this meant to be serious? My only response so far has been a poor imitation of David Letterman doing his .... "What?!" "What?!""What?!" and again ... "What?!"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Christian 'Bounty Hunters' Generate Income by Exposing Backsliders

By Dan Wooding
Founder of ASSIST Ministries

IRVINE, CA (ANS) -- For many years churches around the world have been drained morally, spiritually and financially from the internal decays caused by backsliders lurking within their congregations. (Backsliders are 'believers' who have lost their initial zeal for the more sanctified lifestyle, have perhaps fallen back into some old sinful behaviors or maybe have even gone so far as to renounce their faith altogether.)

Fred Popke

But now, there's a unique opportunity for Christians to actually benefit financially from exposing backsliders - whether those backsliders reside within their congregations or not.

For numerous years, investigative journalist, Fred Popke, went under-cover to understand the heart and the mind of the backslider. To his astonishment, he discovered that most backsliders actually belong to a very well-organized network.

"They are considered the fastest growing 'religious' sect out there right now," Mr. Popke noted. "They even regularly share their insights, tips and techniques with one another on how to become, and continue to live as, 'efficient' backsliders."

His "exposé", entitled My Utmost for Mediocrity - The Backslider's Devotional Handbook (available at www.Amazon.com, www.AbeBooks.com, www.Alibris.com and other retail channels), is a collection of the "devotionals", or hidden secrets and strategies, that backsliders use to thwart the good intentions of any loved ones trying to bring the backslider "back into the fold".

"I initially published this work so that Christians could understand what's taking place in the hearts and minds of the backsliders," Popke added. "I also meant for it to be a tool for those interested in reaching out to someone who was backsliding. Maybe a reason or a justification contained in the Backslider's Handbook, shared with a wayward son, daughter, husband or friend would spark some dialogue and ultimately lead to some significantly positive results."

However, he claimed, as soon as the "Backsliding Community" (www.BackslidingInfo.com) learned of his exposé, they were "outraged and moved to block the book's sale and public distribution."

Cover of Popke's book

The organization cited that Mr. Popke had not given proper credit to any backsliding individuals, listing all of the contributors as "Anonymous". The group also charged that Mr. Popke was not making any share of the royalties available to any contributing authors.

As a result of arbitration/mediation, Mr. Popke has been instructed to publish ongoing versions/releases of the work and incorporate new submissions from additional contributors. He has also agreed to enable contributing authors to receive compensation from future edition book sales.

"And therein lies the opportunity for Christians," Mr. Popke pointed out. "I don't believe that 'backsliders' are really going to make significant contributions to future editions of this work. So, any church, or Christian individual, who can write a paragraph or two, capturing an insight or a tactic that backsliders use, can earn a 'bounty' by 'turning in' these backsliders' stories."

Anyone wishing to contribute to the next edition, already being compiled, can find all of the pertinent information at www.MyUtmostForMediocrity.com.

Dan Wooding, 68, is an award winning British journalist now living in Southern California with his wife Norma of 45 years. He is the founder and international director of ASSIST (Aid to Special Saints in Strategic Times) and the ASSIST News Service (ANS); and US Bureau Chief for the Missionaries News Service (www.missionariesnews.tv) and Safe Worlds IPTV's Faith, Hope and Charity channel. He was, for ten years, a commentator, on the UPI Radio Network in Washington, DC., and now hosts the weekly "Front Page Radio" show on KWVE in Southern California and which is also carried on the Calvary Radio Network throughout the United States. The program is also aired in Great Britain on UCB UK and Calvary Chapel Radio UK. Wooding is the author of some 42 books, the latest of which is his autobiography, "From Tabloid to Truth", which is published by Theatron Books. To order a copy, go to www.fromtabloid totruth.com. E-mail: danjuma1@aol.com.


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