May magic ramblings
I have been rather "busy" the last few weeks not so much overwork ... but I think not being my normal 100% health wise has made everyday things harder than they normally would be. And my boys schedules are getting a little bit messy and being the one who has flexi -hours, I tend to be the main chauffeur. Not too much of a problem except that for someone like me who works best when there is a "flow", too many such interruptions can be tough as it takes a lot more effort to get back into the "flow". If that makes no sense ... then think "rhythm" instead of "flow" and if that still does not make sense, be thankful as it probably means this is not something that affects your productivity! :-) Re-centering exercises do seem to help and I guess indulging in hobbies. Been a while in the area of indulging in hobbies ... But yesterday I did. I received a 3 DVD set I bought on trademe. Brand new and what I found interesting was that there were t...