A helpful piece from Sojourners. I think it is hopeful and I like the way she ends her piece ... "... may we honor the Go-Between God by creating a safe space for all people to join the Great Conversation". An Invitation to The Great Conversation In 1943, in the throes of World War II and one of the most fraught times in contemporary human history, the psychologist Abraham Maslow published a paper explaining, as he understood them, the five basic, motivating needs common to all of humankind. They are: Physiological (air, food, water, sleep, etc.) Safety Love/Belonging Esteem (confidence, achievement, respect of others and respect by others) Self-actualization (morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, and acceptance of facts) While Maslow’s theories are humanistic, they have a connection to religion and spiritual life in what he called “peak experiences,” and what the religious world might call epiphanies — moments of clarit...