Old Singapore based ad on teachers

After watching this year's Petronas CNY ad on youtube, this Singapore ad came up

Worth watching. I suppose what attracted me to this ad was a conversation I had with someone a few days ago, in which one of the things that was brought up was related to what I be doing if I did not chose to become a pastor. My immediate answer was "a teacher", which I think surprised the person :-)

Not so much teach in a seminary as a lecturer but a regular school teacher. I do fondly remember my 15 months teaching ESOL in a boarding school when I was much younger! And I do remember almost making the jump to leave being a church "full-time worker" at one of my many struggling stages to taking up a job teaching "moral studies" at a private higher learning institution ...

But I think teaching is one of the noblest professions to be called to, and I find it sad that many in the teaching line do not love teaching - it is just a "mundane job". I am grateful that here in NZ I have gotten to know some people in the teaching profession who are clearly called to teach. They have a passion and love for their students that inspires me. Teaching is clearly their vocational calling.

May there be more teachers entering the teaching profession like the one in this ad!

p/s will get back to my ramblings / reflections on "Pastor: A Memoir" soon ... still haven't completed the book because I keep re-reading certain chapters :-)


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