Ramblings on Destiny church accused of being a money making cult

It is sad that there are more church leaders in the news because of controversy related to church leaders being too money oriented ... the Calvary Church, Malaysia issue is still not settled and a quick look at the Calvary Today website it is disturbing that the court case has been postponed yet again ...

Case fixed for mention on 17.12.09 was postponed

Mention date fixed on 12.1.10 was postponed.

Mention date fixed on 24.02.10 was postponed.

Further Mention Date is fixed on 23 March 2010.

I wish they would just get on and settle the matter and clear the air as this is giving Christianity a bad name in Malaysia and not helping the church.

But looks like New Zealand has its own "Calvary Church" issues to deal with. I get very nervous when it comes to dealing with money and I am so glad my church leaders agree with me that I be exempt from handling church financial matters.

Destiny Church has been attacked by former members who say it is nothing more than a money-making venture.

Dozens of ex-Destiny members contacted the Herald after yesterday's story about dissension in the Brisbane branch.

More than half the Destiny Church in Brisbane - including its pastor, Andrew Stock - walked out of the service on Sunday, saying they believed the church was no longer following the Gospel.

Those who contacted the Herald supported the walkout, saying the church was a money-making cult.

"This incident is the closest we have come to getting a genuine 'tell it like it is' picture of the Destiny corporation," a former member said.

Pastor Stock, his wife Helen and more than half the just over 100-member Brisbane congregation walked out on the church over several issues, including money and a new covenant which they said went against the Gospel.

That covenant included buying a $300 signet ring and encouraging churchgoers to stop buying coffee and give up Sky TV so they could give more money to the church.

For the rest of the report, click here.


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