Catch up ramblings - mid March 2010

Have not been blogging for a while as just too swamped with work and some personal matters.

Got bad news from Wei Hong on my birthday - Dr. Cheah Wing Yin's accident. Am glad that he is recovering and I trust that no more specific news updates is good news. I wonder why though the driver who hit him was not arrested for crashing into someone in the emergency lane. ...

Ministry has been super busy and I am glad the next few weeks looks to be more relaxed so I can catch up on my visitation. Extra busyness is due to a couple of emergencies and a lot of unexpected new work. A lot is related to the coming Cambodian mission trip. I will now be doing 8 hours of special classes with the young adults taking a year off for Bible cum ministry cum practical training. The difficulty is always in trying to make sure I find the right balance between using simple English and yet not over simplify the subject matter. Notes are always difficult to prepare for such projects especially for the subject matter I will be tackling ...

My Magic show on Saturday really "bombed" - I was really tired and my mind went "blank" a few times and I was fumbling with some simple stuff. Only good thing is that I have more experience so I can cover up pretty decently. Must have been my worse show ever! *sigh* No proper "mic-ing" added to the problem which made it hard to throw my voice as the hall had very poor acoustics. But many children and parents came up to me to show their appreciation so I guess it was okay ...

Bought a lawn mower last week and after 10 minutes, it stopped working (ex-demo model). Returned it and decided to buy a "push mower" - manual - no motor! It wasn't recommended (not the model - it's a good one) because it is hard work! But I figured that t was way cheaper than the good petrol ones or the recommended cool electric battery powered one AND it would force me to do more exercise. I need to exercise more and this will be a helpful push.

I only restart preaching on Palm Sunday so that is a good thing in terms of work load. I have taken over official leadership of a struggling Home Group but have also officially left my current Home Group. I am looking forward to helping my new group re-establish itself and grow.

Have a networking meeting tomorrow and am having fun (with just a tad of stress) making a display board (pictures of activities etc) as well as some informational leaflets.

Last night was a good break - went to a magic lecture. Very enjoyable as this lecturer focuses on restaurant magic and has 19 years of experience under his belt so his brand of magic is very visual and fun.

Friday I go for my gastroscopy and colonoscopy procedures. Not looking forward to that! :-(


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