A to Z list of regular blessings (part one of many instalments to come)

Every6 now and then I come across one of those "A to Z lists" (tag someone stuff) where you have an A to Z list on something about yourself etc. Thought it would be a nice distraction to make my own - an A to Z list of regular blessings in my life. God doesn't count as He is the one behind all the blessings :-)

It's a regular exercise of mine to "count my blessings, naming them one by one" as the old hymn reminds us but I thought it would be a fun thing to do A to Z style and so over the weekend as I went about my regular day, I worked on this list in my mind .... and here's my list and my reasons why... (Oh, three each as it is hard to pick just one!!)


1. ANDREW (my eldest son). He's growing up so fast and well in the LORD! I'm very proud of him and grateful to God for giving him to me.

2. AIR (as in fresh air). While Auckland is probably the most polluted region of NZ, the air is still so fresh compared to the Klang Valley. It's actually a joy to stand outside my house and take a deep breath! As someone who has a sensitive nose, this is a blessing I must remember to thank God frequently if not daily lest I take it for granted.

3. AFFIRMATION. Never realized how much affirmation could mean to me until I moved here. I do not think a week has passed by without someone catching me by surprise with some form of affirmation. Not the expected niceties but something simple and genuine ... whether in word, an e-mail or sms, in writing or in a gesture of appreciation. Affirmation rocks! And this is something I need to keep passing on. (And I keep thinking of the classic Art Buchawald story of "love and the (NY?) Cabbie").


1. BIBLE. So many versions, and such easy access whether printed copies, electronic Bibles, or study Bibles. There are still millions in the world that would so love to have just one copy of their own and I have so many...

2. BOOKS. I may have given away maybe half of my books but my collection is increasing again. So many books to read and so much knowledge and inspiration to glean. I need to spend more time reading not just "collecting" to read at another day. I thought and prayed the other day for Gospel Translations (a ministry an old school mate of mine help start) and the main reason is to share resources ... Many pastors do no have access to any good Christian books in their native language!". And so many of us have an abundance of good books!

3. BED. I spend lot of time in my bed! :-). Especially when the weather is colder, it is so mice to curl up in bed!I not only sleep in my bed, I read in bed, I watch TV in bed, I sometimes surf the net and e-mail etc in bed (though I am not blogging this in bed). Yesterday I met with my short term mission team members to plan for our 2010 mission trip and I talked about being prepared to sleep on the hard concrete floors and it reminded me again of what a great blessing having a nice is! :-)


1. CAR (we have two!). I am still amazed about being able to afford to own and maintain two cars. Having a car is not just useful but is "essential" for me. I am amazed at how often I use my car. Driving to work, visitation, hospital trips, shopping, taking the children to and from their appointments. And I have minimal mechanical worries even if our cars are both 12 going on 13 years old ... yay Toyota!:-) Affordable cars are a real regular blessing!

2. COMMUNITY (i.e the people living around the church and a little beyond. I will cover the local church community under another heading.). Strange blessing in a way. It's not that I am close friends with all those who live around the church. It is not easy getting to know and win the trust of a diverse group of neighbours. Some are still unresponsive but it is a blessing in the sense that this community is a group that helps me focus and measure the "progress" of our church's ministry. Each time I see a little progress, it excites me. Having the local council community worker visit our church a couple of Sundays ago was a big blessing to me. Having some of the children come back for games on Thursday nights for a 2nd year is another blessing. And lately, having some neighbours stop and wave or chat with me when they see me is another blessing. The list goes on....

3. COMICS. Ah, it is a regular blessing to be able to reserve online then pick up and enjoy a good com book is so nice. The local library system is great and the librarians don't give me funny looks when they see me regularly coming to pick up and check out comic books. :-) For the uninitiated, the PC term for the comics I read is "graphic novels".Comics both fuel my imagination and helps me to relax!

Hmmm... only up to C...


  1. if you are doing three per alphabet, then you'll take a long time!! but that's good too--means you have a lot to be thankful for!

  2. I love the alphabet thankfulness list. Everyone should do one. I especially like the c for comics.

  3. Z, yes, I till take a ling time but I am in "no hurry" :-) And I am kind of suing it as a means for creative reflection and thanksgiving.

    Doc, Thanks. Yay for COMICS :-)

    Next installment coming soon.


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