Today's Malaysian newspaper links
In the STAR Malaysia news today ....
Kartika's whipping upheld by the Syariah court. So now what happens next? How will it be done? When will it be done?
Country must bring back its talents says Najib. And I wonder what exactly are these incentives that the government will offer to keep the talents at home?
MIC will not allow any other Indian parties to join BN. Because they are the only ones who can bring in the Indian votes for BN?
Indian parties advised by Najib to back BN. Whether or not they are in BN. I am confused. If they are not allowed to join BN, then could someone explain again to me why should they support BN?
Oooh ... more interesting is the NST ... Lat cartoon gallery!!! I miss Lat cartoons! Now this is one aspect of Malaysia at its best
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