Ramblings on an active,full, and tiring two weeks but restful rather than "busy" two weeks


Happy and grateful to God that this week I got a lot of preparation done (the behind-the-scenes stuff). It has been full (maybe even overflowing), and certainly tiring, but happily not "busy".

Setting aside the many regular and emergency activities, there has been a lot of preparation (behind the scenes) matters that required my attention. In danger of feeling overwhelmed as many things got "stuck". It has been in a sense of stressful week that is actually a spillover from last week.

But by the grace of God, a lot fell into place and was completed this week.

  • This Sunday's sermon.
  • My Easter sermon for next week (but as usual, I expect there will be a few last-minute revisions 😀)
  • Weekly notes for April's bulletins
  • The next home group meeting study questions about Moses' life.
  • My mental block was removed so was able to start work on study questions on the book of Jeremiah Same for a youth Bible study on the book of Acts.

While I still have 5 more Sunday sermons in a row to prepare, I have breathing space and a sense of rhythm.

There has been a lot more going on the last couple of weeks BUT I am happy that while I have had a bit of stress, and have felt tired, I have experienced more REST.

  • I have felt less "busy" despite technically having a lot more to do beyond my usual church and community activities. I was tempted to pull out of an interview (helping a seminary student with her thesis research). Glad I did not.
  • I was tempted to skip a prayer meeting (since I attend three a week) as I was tired. Glad I did not,
  • Was tempted to skip a few of my "quadrant two" things like having people over for home-cooked meals. It's quadrant two as it is about relationship building.
  • Was tempted to skip the whole NZ and Beyond conference - even the couple of sessions I blocked time for a month earlier. Glad I did not. It's quadrant two for me as it is about personal development.
  • Was tempted to put aside yet another series of Logos training videos or another day (the number of videos is so huge now). Glad I decided to view a few despite feeling that I don't have time). Also glad I did not. Has helpful quadrant two long-term benefits.
  • I went to visit a friend in the hospital this week, and a mutual friend came along with me. On the trip to the hospital, he asked me why I did not simply re-use old sermons when I preach at our Mandarin-speaking congregation. Logically it made sense to save time and work. Told him that I need to prepare sermons specifically with the congregation in mind. It's a conviction and I am glad I don't take such shortcuts. It's part of personal growth. And it is great to learn new things from the Bible and see God break through my mental and spiritual barriers.
  • I even spent a couple of hours last night playing a PC game (not my usual three games) - quadrant two leisure 😄
I think that the paradox of active work and yet finding rest happens by the grace of God and learning each day to walk with God. I have always loved Peterson's phrase "the unforced rhythms of grace". Thanks be to God. 🙏

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” - Peterson, E. H. (2005). The Message: the Bible in contemporary language (Mt 11:28–30). NavPress.


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