Prove It (John Indermark)
For the 19 March 2013 bulletin
Excerpted from: Parables and Passion: Jesus' Stories for the Days of Lent
John Indermark
Rich Man and Lazarus Luke
Have you ever played a game called
"Prove It"? It's not a board game or video game. You can't order it
from Milton Bradley or Nintendo. It's one of those games we play in
relationships, adapt-able to all ages. Children often play it. "If you
think you can climb the tree as high as I can prove it!" Sometimes it has
a darker side, used to exclude someone who is on the outs at the moment.
"If you're really my friend, you won't play with Robin—'cause I don't like
her." As children mature, the game gets more sophisticated. The love of
parents becomes the target of the testing. "If you really loved me, you'd
trust me and let me stay out later..."
..."Prove it" has two major
problems in human relationships. It is a game that can be very destructive,
used to distort even the best of qualities for purely self-seeking ends. In the
name of love or friendship, some very unloving and unfriendly behavior seeks
justification. The other problem is its addictive nature. In relationships
dependent on "proof" of love or friendship, the demands for proof
never go away. Like any other addiction, spiraling degrees of proof are
required as time passes. Relationships based on constant proofs fight a losing
battle, because in the end love or friendship must derive from trust. And trust
is not something you can coerce from another person. It will be learned through
experience, not proved by contrived tests.
This notion of trust versus proof
goes to the heart of Jesus' parable of the rich man and Lazarus. The parable
opens with a study in stark contrasts: a rich man who enjoys the benefits of
this world's elite, and Lazarus who has to raise his eyes just to see past the
gutter. When the next world comes, everything turns upside down. Beyond a
morality tale about how tables get turned (and they will!), Jesus moves the
story in an additional direction.
The rich man offers up what seems a
hint of compassion for others, something clearly absent in his previous
ignoring of Lazarus. The rich man (in some traditions called Dives) asks that
Lazarus be sent to warn his five brothers about the follies of their ways. The
appeal seems reasonable. It would be like the scene in A Christmas Carol by
Dickens, where Ebenezer Scrooge's long-dead partner, Jacob Marley, visits him.
The sounds of Marley's chains, forged by long years of greed and indifference,
begin the journey of Scrooge toward compassion and humanity.
But listen to the reply of
"Father Abraham" to Dives, a response that returns our focus to the
theme of proving. "They have Moses and the prophets; they should listen to
them." But the rich man is not satisfied. "But if someone goes to
them from the dead, they will repent." Bible, Schmible—nobody pays
attention to that anymore. But let old Lazarus show up on the doorstep, and my
brothers will beat a path to you. That'll prove it!...
...Beyond the parable these closing
words become even more intriguing. The parable is told by Jesus: Jesus who
later resuscitates a friend by the name of Lazarus, Jesus whom God resurrects
to life at story's end (and discipleship's beginning). Does the parable's
conclusion teach that even those events cannot prove faith? The answer may
surprise us. The resuscitation of Lazarus pivots John's Gospel. From that point
forward the Temple authorities determine Jesus must die. Capital punishment,
not faith, is the verdict of the raising of Lazarus.
Jesus' resurrection evokes similar
results. Disciples dismiss the first Easter witness announced by the women as
an "idle tale" (Luke 24:11). Jesus shows his wounds to Thomas, only
then to bless those who will believe without seeing. "If they do not
listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if
someone rises from the dead."
Faith cannot be proved by apparitions
from the dead any more than it can be verified by an alleged burial shroud
subjected to scientific scrutiny. Proof is not and never has been the point of
our life and standing in Jesus Christ. Rather, faith beckons trust expressed in
Save me, O God, from endless
bargaining and proof-testing of your love. Deliver me into the grace that sets
me free to live with grace and to trust you wholly. Amen.
Spiritual Exercise
Consider your faith and participation
in faith community. Where do you struggle with the need for proof? How does the
need for proof affect your ability to trust in God, in others, in yourself?
Pray for guidance and discernment in these matters. Seek a more gracious
trusting of God with your life, relationships, and faith community
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