Random photos

Thanks to my mum for her old camera (but new camera)!

Some random photos I took over the last few weeks. Thought it time to upload to de-stress ...

Latest baby member of our church - Austen Puah

My first experimental batch of baked golden potatoes. Looks messy but tastes  delightful

First night of the June Greg Laurie Rally in Auckland

First night at the Greg Laurie Rally - 30 minutes before the start. over 2,000 people
had to be turned away due to the massive crowd (and it was raining cats and dogs too.
I arrived 2.5 hours before  the start to report for duty and it took me over an hour to get in.
I was soaked standing in the rain

2nd attempt at making muffins, This time I had the sense to use cup cake paper in my  baking tray.
But it still turned out looking horrible. Taste was good though :-)

My first try at making siew pau. Looks decent and was actually tasty
BUT it did not taste like siew pau at all. Texture all wrong.
But since it was tasty, no complaints :-)

Cut one of my siew pau through the middle in my "food autopsy" to  try to figure out what went wrong :-)

My first attempt at making tau foo fah, or was this my soya bean milk drink?
Can;t remember now but clearly from the picture the the tau foo fah was a dismal failure. :-(


  1. Loved your food autopsy. :)

    The potatoes looking delicious!

  2. Thanks! Presentation could of course always be better but its the taste is what ultimately matters for me :-)


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