Sad for us. Wonderful for him. ASSIST News Service (ANS) - PO Box 609, Lake Forest, CA 92609-0609 USA Visit our web site at: -- E-mail: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 John Stott Receives His Reward By Brian Nixon Special to ASSIST News Service ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO (ANS) -- The Christian Church has lost one of its greatest leaders: John Stott. Uncle John, as many called him, went to be with his Lord on Wednesday, July 27th at 3:15 in London. He was 90 years old. John Stott pictured in the English Lake District during the famous Keswick Convention where he was a regular featured speaker His life will be missed. But his wisdom and love of God lives on through his books and teachings.Several years back I wrote an article on Mr. Stott's influence in my life when I heard the news of his retirement. I release it again in his honor. The article was entitled, Heroes. Heroes Ok, I admit it! I am a fan. ...