"Sibu voted for integrity" says the news report - but did the church?

The Free Malaysia Today report .... has this title:

By Pushparani Thilaganathan
ANALYSIS SIBU: After a nerve-racking night, Sibu woke up this morning to etch a new pathway to the future without Barisan Nasional’s political patronage, which for so long had benefited some but had been a bane to others.
Sibu chose timeless virtues over money in yesterday’s by-election, which was occasioned by the death on April 9 of BN’s Robert Lau Hoi Chew.
DAP’s Wong Ho Leng beat BN’s Robert Lau Hui Yew, the former MP’s nephew.
In an immediate reaction to his razor-thin loss, Lau said: “Sibu will lose out a lot now. The state BN will lose the confidence of the federal government.”
Sibu is an inland town, located at the confluence of the Rajang and Igan rivers. The population is predominantly Chinese, but there are sizeable numbers of Malay-Melanaus and Dayaks (Ibans, Bidayuhs and Orang Ulus).
Former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson once said: “The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.” As such, “he who rejects change is an architect of decay.”
The Chinese believe in continuity, both in this world and the next. And change is integral to continuity.
This belief, bolstered by the sense of pride that swelled through the thousands of Chinese as they listened to inspiring speeches by DAP stalwarts in a string of ceramahs, was what powered the change in Sibu.
Go HERE for the rest of the report 

BUT THE METHODIST CHURCH happily took RM 1.75 million?

Read ... Sibu churches given federal cash ahead of vote

And read Read Goh Keat Peng's article ... WE DON'T TAKE SUCH MONEY!
And here's a response to Goh Keat Peng's article that is very interesting  ... Issues of Privilege - a reader's response to his article.


  1. Ya I am back!
    Hopefully I won't get death threats again!
    How are U man!

  2. death threats? That sounds very serious.

    And I am well - except for a bad cold that I have right now ...


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