Information overload ... so thank God for prayer

Over the last few days I have been privy to many P & C matters. Matters that I cannot share with others. I started this morning feeling exhausted. I tried to turn in early but tossed and turned in my a tiring dream filled sleep. Too much on my heart and mind and it does not help that it is a super busy period with caroling, 6 sermons to preach in 2 months (5 more to go!) and a service to lead the worship (and I am also on leave for half of the time!). And then today I had two more P & C matters to listen to!! I feel so drained and my mind has been lapsing into occasional momentary "zombie like" ("catatonic" is too strong a term :-)) moments. The thought of having to deal with a couple more delicate P & C pastoral matters before the week is up is almost "paralyzing".

It is a huge privilege to be a pastor ... to be taken into a person's confidence and told things deep within a person's soul - sometimes for counsel but always for prayer. But it is hard because for some matters I wish I could talk to someone about the matters at hand - to gain counsel and support but ... there is a need for confidentiality.

It is times like this though that I have come to appreciate the privilege and gift of being able to go to God in prayer. It is an incredible feeling to know that God is with me and is listening to me, knowing my struggles of inadequacies ... and will do something about everything that concerns me.

Philippians 4:
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Interestingly, God laid it on my heart to preach a month ago on prayer and I hear my own message on prayer coming back to me and helping me "re-focus". And though a second sermon on prayer has been postponed, the work done on the message for the second sermon too is still fresh in my mind. God is good all the time!! And all the time, God is good!!


  1. praise god. :) prayers for strength and wisdom!

  2. Thanks. While I am well, the emotional batteries are low. It is true (as I read long ago on an article I think by Bill Hybels)that emotional reserves are recharged / replaced more like the way a battery is recharged as opposed to filling up a petrol tank. Needs a lot more time and is slow .... :-)


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