A week's roundout of ramblings

Last week was a busy (as I expected). The four magic shows went relatively well. The good to me were was I think we made over $2000 which will come in very handy for our junior subsidies for our 2010 magic convention. Will know the figures at our next meeting. Also, we had 2 juniors perform and they did well.

The not so good was for me the lack of professionalism of some performers (in particular a guest performer). For a supposed professional, he had no stage presence and made so many basic mistakes and blunders that made so many of us cringe. Despite setting aside a day to set up and have a full dress rehearsal, not everyone took this seriously and this to me affected the quality of the show. It made the job of those of us who worked on the support (lights, sound, stage) very tiring. I think this is something most performers do not understand. Those of us in the background help make them look good, especially those who require music and special lighting and effects. Even seemingly simple things like not taking seriously where you enter and where you bow makes a huge difference in how "good you look". I appreciated very much two performers in particular who were professional in their approach which made my job so much easier. No need to "chase" them and remind them of what they needed to do to enable the support crew to do our jobs well.

For someone like me who has to do performances with no support crew and in difficult settings, no proper stage, no dressing room to set up, poor lighting and bad angles etc., it makes me wonder why some performers don't take full advantage of what is being offered.

So anyway, some of us made a list of things we would like to see done and agreed upon for our next show, including the direction of club which we will bring up at our next meeting. So all in all, I think the outcome will be positive.

Sunday service was particularly wonderful yesterday. It was one of the special days where I wished the worship time (as in singing) would not stop. Wonderful choice of songs, and synergy among worship leader, musicians and singers. God's Spirit was clearly present. Been a while since I could hear the the congregation's singing so loudly. I sit on the front row and there are some very strong voices right behind me. Everything tied in so wonderfully with the sermon as well.

What was a highlight for me was having lunch after church with a young adult and "formalising" a mentoring relationship. Permission to speak into someone's life is a huge responsibility and privilege. I have a very high regard for this young man and he has been an encouragement to me in many ways so I am very excited at our reaching this new level in our relationship. That's a good high note to end this post ... :-)


  1. :):) maybe the audience didn;t notice the weaknesses as you did?

  2. Z ... when you drop your props. pick it up and instead of moving on start struggling with it, then kind of "break it", and still keep trying to get the effect going and then the effect "gets stuck" and still keep at it, people notice!!

    Worse, it spoils the wonderful effect for others as it reveals a secret ...

    And when your fellow performer (his young son) is on stage doing his thing, you yell at him "**** come back here to do the Levitation act", it sure spoils things! The 11 year boy is a much better performer than his father and his father did not give him time to "correct" a very minor unnoticeable misstep (which the boy could easily rectify). He yelled so loud that he distracted the boy and I heard him loud and clear across the other side of the stage behind my heavy curtains with headphones on! ... as did people right at the back of the hall, as did the people in the sound room all the way at the back! And music was playing as well!!

    It sure spoils a good levitation effect when you tell people what it is before it is done! :-( I better stop here ... ;-)


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