Model sentence (The Micah Mandate)

Thought it would be good to highlight again a website I support - The Micah Mandate. Lots of helpful thought provoking articles and links there.

The Micah Mandate is a Christian-based public interest advocacy ministry that seeks a transformation of our nation through justice, mercy and humility. The Micah Mandate's webzine is updated every Monday.
He has shown all you people what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly before your God.
- Micah 6:8

Here's a sample from the every young Peter Young ... Model Sentence, under Peter's Pithy Pointers.

Unfortunately, ‘MODEL SENTENCE’ does not refer to English grammar! Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarnor, 32, a part-time model pleaded guilty to consuming beer at the Cherating Bay Lounge of the Legend Hotel in Cherating at 11.40pm on July 11th. She was charged under Section 136 of the Pahang Administration of the Islam Law and Malay Custom Enactment. The Syariah High Court in Kuantan fined her RM5, 000 and ordered her whipped 6 times.

She has not appealed against the sentence and has already paid the RM5, 000 fine.

If she is given 6 strokes of the rotan, she would be the first Muslim woman to be caned under Section 136 of the Enactment mentioned above – 1Malaysia!!

The government would do well to consider carefully the views of Amnesty International. “Caning and whipping always constitute cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment which is prohibited under international law which is provided for under Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

She said, “I will accept this earthly punishment. Let Allah decide my punishment in the hereafter. For now, the court has yet to tell me when the sentence will be carried out, so I would like to ask them to hasten it.”


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