
Showing posts from June, 2013

A brief reflection on Joshua’s ordination as a leader.

Pastor's notes for the 30 June 2013 bulletin A brief reflection on Joshua’s ordination as a leader. In my reading this week, Numbers 27:18-20 caught my special attention. In them Moses is told by God to “Take Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and lay your hand on him.   Make him stand before Eleazar the priest and all the congregation, and you shall commission him in their sight . You shall invest him with some of your authority, that all the congregation of the people of Israel may obey. (ESV) The phrase in verse 19: “in whom is the Spirit” emphasizes that Joshua position of leadership is God ordained. It marked him out as different from all the many capable leaders of Israel.  It made me ponder again why God chose Joshua to take over from Moses. There were others who were surely eligible for this position. There were for example 70 elders who had experience in leadership, there was Eleazar, Phinehas and even Caleb. Perhaps the most obvious re...

The common language of brokenness

For the 16 June 2013 bulletin The common language of brokenness I read a fascinating story some months back which I filed away that I would like to share. It was about a North Carolina Judge Jesse Caldwell who told a story of Vietnamese woman who was waiting her turn to be examined in a crowded hospital emergency room. She gradually became aware of a frustrating “non-conversation” being attempted a few seats down. A nurse was trying to ask a new patient for some details on her illness. The patient spoke Spanish. The nurse did not. The Vietnamese woman listened for a minute then realized that while she didn’t speak Spanish she did understand the broken-English bits and phrases the Spanish speaking patient offered as answers. Because of her own experience of learning to communicate in “broken English,” the Vietnamese woman could hear the heart and gist of what this other woman was trying to say. The Vietnamese woman offered to “translate” the broken English of the Spanish...

How do we use the time God has given to us?

For the 9 June 2013 bulletin How do we use the time God has given to us? Earlier this week, someone posted on FB a link to a NZ Herald story in which a 19 year old Whangarei man who was "sick of playing Xbox" while on home detention asked and was granted his wish to serve the rest of his sentence in jail. He had already served 10 months of an 11-month home detention term and with one month to go "had run out of Xbox games to play", and told the police that if he wasn't picked up and taken to jail, he would breach his home detention sentence.. Apart from the usual expected incredulous reactions to this story, I found myself wondering how I would spend my time if I could not leave my house for 11 months. Psalm 90:12 came to mind : “ So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” .  And it made me wonder:  Would I have wasted my time like this young man or would I have been able to use it wisely? There’s a lot of teaching in the Bible...

Jesus Loves Me

For the 2nd June 2013 bulletin Jesus Loves Me Anna B. Warner, 1820–1915 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.  (Luke 18:17) The story is told of a brilliant professor at Princeton Seminary who always left his graduation class with these words: “Gentlemen, there is still much in this world and in the Bible that I do not understand, but of one thing I am certain—‘Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so’—and gentlemen, that is sufficient!” Without doubt the song that has been sung more by children than any other hymn is this simply stated one by Anna Warner. Written in 1860, it is still one of the first hymns taught to new converts in other lands. Miss Warner wrote this text in collaboration with her sister Susan. It was part of their novel Say and Seal, one of the best selling books of that day. Today few individuals would know or remember the plot of that story, which once stirred the ...